
您好,我是Holly Becker,自2006年1月以来,我是Decor8的创始人和编辑。我的使命是关注最新的装饰思想和趋势,并分享最具创造力的人,地方和事物,以便我可以激发您以风格,舒适和心脏来装饰房屋。我想鼓励您拥有更多的“装饰信心”,并尊重您的视野和声音 - 毕竟,您的房屋是每天的起点和终点,它应该带来幸福与和平,同时支持生活的所有领域。


我是我行业的先驱 - 我开始在像Instagram和Pinterest这样的网站之前开始写博客。我之所以进入博客,是因为我的公司职业生涯使我的生活陷入了困境,我需要做出重大改变,否则我知道我会永远后悔,所以我辞去了日常工作并开设了博客。我很高兴地说,考虑到我的职业生涯最大的风险,因为我在这里。

我无所畏惧,富有创造力,好奇,我在我的领域中被称为开拓者,这也意味着我也有点疯狂,混乱和冲动。我喜欢带头(我的幼儿园老师在我的成绩单上写道:“霍莉是一个非常专横的孩子” - 它卡住了!),我喜欢尝试新事物,教别人,冒险,冒险并通过做我的事来挑战自己’ve never done before. I’m always thinking of ways to level up while also raising up others. I love to collaborate and work best under deadlines and pressure.

I’m also strong-willed, I’m a true fighter which means when others are ready to give up and walk away, I’m the cheerleader who motivates them to see the positive, stay on track, and keep going so we can all be successful together and win.

If you ask my little boy what I’m known for (I actually just did as I’m writing this), he would tell you that I’m crazy and funny, bake great cakes, I’m forgetful, always happy and positive which he finds annoying sometimes, I need to buy him more LEGO, and that my German is terrible („Stick to English, mom“).猴子遮住了他的眼睛的表情符号在哪里?

I’ve won multiple awards for my work as a journalist and author, which makes me proud because I never won anything in my life until I was 38 years old, and I wrote four books under the “Decorate” series, which have been published in nearly 20 languages worldwide. My debut book, Decorate, was one of the first (maybe 5) design books published in America by a blogger and the first-ever published in Germany by a blogger as a “test” to see if bloggers could really cross over into print. After it reprinted in America multiple times and was a Wall Street Journal Bestseller at #2, it went on to reprint in Germany 3 times and became a bestseller here too. Today, it has sold over 400,000 copies worldwide.

With a passion for teaching and learning since childhood, I also launched one of the first online classes about blogging and social media in 2009 called Blogging Your Way which was renamed to decor8 courses in March 2021. Before my classes, training online didn’t exist for bloggers. I’ve successfully taught both online (and off) for 13 years to thousands of students and my classes have branched out to include topics like interior styling, Instagram marketing branding, and photography.

2019年,我与Grüner + Jahr合作成为Holly的一般编辑和创意总监。Holly是每季度通过在Home Magazine居住的每季度生产的,并与我的播客Hello Helly一起在iTunes上跑了近两年,直到Corona改变了我们的业务,他们不得不取消杂志和播客(此后,我已经改变了我在Soundcloud上的声音信件,这是我生产的声音字母。)。Holly Magazine是另一个“第一”,我很高兴能够成为其中的一部分。


我想继续进行界限,因为这让我很高兴以身作则,尝试并玩新事物。I’ve learned that you don’t have to be perfect to be good at something, you don’t need to have a master plan to run a successful and profitable business, and you should never hold your opinions back because of fear of what others may think - always be authentic. We have one life, this is it. If you fail at something, who cares, fail fast! If you fail fast and try something else quickly, you can keep moving and growing. Statistically speaking, at least one of your many ideas can become your big success story, trust me.






您好,我是Holly Becker,这是我的博客。